Showing 11 products
May Musk, a refined, charming and restless supermodel, is already in her seventies. Her life was not always as simple and glamorous as it is now. At thirty-one, she became a single mother, so she worked hard to support her...
Boris Johnson's book is a story about how the eccentric genius of Churchill, the Prime Minister of Great Britain and one of the most significant leaders of the 20th century, shaped world politics. Analyzing the achievements and mistakes, as well...
An ironic non-fiction book in which Ukrainian writer Irena Karpa shares secrets of long-term and short-term relationships, advice for those who want to find themselves in strong and successful partnerships, and also does not shy away from her romantic adventures...
The subtitle of the documentary book by the famous writer and journalist Sarah Forden speaks for itself - it is actually a sensational story about murder, madness, luxury and lust. The author skillfully interweaves two related plots: the dramatic history...
The motivational biography "Steve Jobs" tells children about the incredible life of the pioneer of information technology. Readers will learn how Jobs created his inventions and started his business. It also discusses the character traits that helped him on his...
The motivational biography "Nikola Tesla" is written specifically for children. Tesla was called the master of lightning. He made important discoveries in electronics, radio engineering, and predicted future technologies. His life is incredible and mysterious. It is a true adventure...
Mark Zuckerberg is one of the brightest personalities of our time. He inspires millions of people around the world. No, he does not have supernatural abilities like the superheroes from comics. Mark Zuckerberg studied purposefully, worked hard, and was not...
For eight weeks, from April 20 to June 22, 1945, the 34-year-old Berlin journalist, staying with a small group of neighbors in an apartment building without food, electricity, gas, or water, kept a daily record of her survival experience in...
The study is devoted to the study of the biography and philosophical heritage of Friedrich Nietzsche. The monograph is an attempt to cover the general theme and trace the transformation of the views of the German philosopher. The investigation outlines...
«Гетьмани України» — історична серія життєписів видатних державних діячів і козацьких отаманів, започаткована, щоби прочинити браму таємничого минулого дніпровського козацтва та українського народу. Перший том серії присвячений видатним провідникам ранньої козаччини: — Остафію Дашковичу, — князю Дмитру Вишневецькому (Байді), —...
One of the most famous art critics of France is about a woman who created not only unheard of models of clothes, draperies, perfumes, jewelry, but also a unique style that influenced the best designers of the 20th and 21st...