Showing 7 products
In this book, the author argues that persistent attempts to present all religions as different paths to one God overlook the problem that each tradition seeks to address. This book will serve as an indispensable guide to the questions humanity...
This Bible will be the best gift for a child on the occasion of the first Confession and Solemn Holy Communion. GOD'S NAMES TELL US WHO HE IS, WHAT HE IS LIKE, AND WHAT HE DOES. This beautiful book tells...
This cardboard book is for the smallest readers with interactive elements. Using the children's ability to repeat certain movements and gestures, we tell about the life of Jesus and the Mother of God. Game, movement, repetition are interesting and contribute...
A SPECIAL SPIRITUAL JOURNEY THROUGH THE BIBLE FOR WOMEN When you need to be filled with spirit, renew your strength, strengthen your hope or find inner peace in difficult times, Christian women have only one source from which they can...
Illustrated Bible for the smallest children will help parents to tell the little ones about God. Bible stories are written in simple language, and bright illustrations with charming animals will introduce her to the world. Children will enthusiastically look at...
Holy Scripture of the Old and New Testament. This is the so-called Roman Bible. It was translated by Father Ivan Khomenko, a Ukrainian Greek Catholic priest, ChSVV. The translation was made from Hebrew, Aramaic and ancient Greek. Also includes deuterocanonical...
This edition of the Holy Scriptures contains 241 illustrations by the French artist Gustave Doré. Executed back in 1864-1866, they still remain a model of vivid comprehension by means of graphics of the centuries-old biblical history of the Old and...