Jeff Kinney
Showing 8 products
Childhood is a terrible time. And who better to know than Greg Hefley! High school, where yesterday's pettiness finds itself among tall and unkind teenagers, who are already shaving their beards, is just a kind of disaster. But Greg does...
Greg and his family go on a summer trip across the country. They dream of an exciting adventure, but their plans are ruined. At first, the Hefley family stays in a mobile home park, which does not look like a...
"Diary of a weakling" - a bestseller series in Ukraine! More than 100,000 copies of books in Ukrainian have been sold! Family trips are usually a lot of fun...unless, of course, you're a member of the Heffley family. The journey...
Ґреґ Гефлі та спорт геть не сумісні. Після невдалого змагання в школі він остаточно вирішує, що офіційно завершив спортивну кар'єру. Але на прохання мами дати спорту ще один шанс, Ґреґ неохоче погоджується записатися на баскетбол. І хоча він упевнений, що...
Несподівана спадщина дає родині Ґреґа Гефлі можливість змі_x0002_нити свій будинок на краще. Але скоро вони зрозуміють, що домаш_x0002_ній ремонт не виправдовує покладених на нього сподівань. Щойно розберуть стіни, скрізь почнуть виникати всілякі проблеми. Гниле дерево, токсична цвіль, непрохане сусідство і...
Let's face it: Greg Hefley will never stop being a wimp. Someone just needs to explain this to Greg's father.
Summer! It's a great time to meet friends, learn something new, do sports... Or do like Greg Hefley — stay home and spend time playing your favorite video games. Yes, Greg has his plans for the summer and his views...
When Greg Hefley's school is closed due to snowfall, the entire neighborhood turns into a winter battlefield. Rival groups compete for territory, build strong snow fortresses and play out epic snowball battles. And Greg and his trusted best friend Rowley...