History (school)
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This book will introduce readers to outstanding Ukrainians: men and women who have made significant contributions to the development of our state, science, and art. The history of each of them is interesting and unique: some inspire, some make you...
The publication was printed with funds from the institutional support grant.Ukrainian Cossackdom is a unique phenomenon in European history and one of the most significant in the history of Ukraine. Ukrainian Cossacks laid the foundations of modern Ukrainian statehood, and...
Real stories of fifty women and girls who dared to challenge the whole world. Rulers, thought leaders, artists, scientists, human rights defenders… Some names you have heard repeatedly, while others you will learn about for the first time. But each...
The third book "Histories of Ukraine by Grandfather Syvyrid" covers the period from the Union of Krewo in 1385 to the Union of Brest in 1596. For Europe, it was an era of geopolitical upheavals that directly affected the Ukrainian...
The second book "The History of Ukraine by Grandfather Syvyrid", written at the request of many thousands of readers of the famous Facebook blogger Syvyrid Opanasovych. The author's signature style is a strict adherence to historical truth, which, however, is...
The author of the book, Serhii Plokhiy, is a professor at Harvard University, one of the world's leading specialists in the history of Ukraine and Eastern Europe. For the book "The Gate of Europe" he received the Taras Shevchenko National...
Why is Princess Olga revered all over the world? Is it true that British Queen Elizabeth II is a descendant of the Kyiv princess Anna? What did the powerful ruler of the Ottoman Empire do for the sake of Roksolana?.....
The book "Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Greek Mythology" by Italian author Giada Francia is suitable for both family reading and for young readers to independently familiarize themselves with the main characters of the myths and legends created by the...
На вас чекають історії 33 жінок, які зробили у своєму житті так багато важливого, що увійшли в історію. Вони не були схожі одна на одну, займалися різними справами та жили в різний час. Але все-таки мали чимало спільного: були сповнені...
Ця книжка розповідає про видатних українців, яких знають і шанують у всьому світі. Але часто світова спільнота навіть не здогадується про їхнє походження. Наші герої проживали та уславилися в інших країнах. З-поміж них є військові, політики, мандрівники, науковці, винахідники, художники,...