Golden Collection
Showing 4 products
The tales of the English writer Rudyard Kipling have long become classics. Both adults and children have been captivated by them for over a hundred years! The stories about brave and freedom-loving heroes are infused with subtle humor and kindness....
The adventures of inseparable friends, known from the animated film "The Adventures of Khoma and the Hamster," will entertain little readers for many years. In winter, summer, spring, and autumn — these two little rascals never get bored. Stocking up...
Ведмежа Паддінгтон не припиняє дивувати родину Браунів. Одного дня він продав свої картини невідомому покупцеві, другого — змайстрував на стелі коллаж, а третього — взагалі проти правил зоопарку нагодував пінгвінів бутербродами з джемом. Усього в книзі вісім чудово проілюстрованих оповідань,...
The best fairy tales are magical gates to childhood. 'Oh really, are there such things? Of course! They are where fairy tales live. Curious?' The publishing house "Pegas" lifts the veil on this amazing and so alluring mystery! After all,...